
Cooling Tower in Hamburg, Germany

The hyperbolic cooling tower in Hamburg, Germany consists of regular dodecagonal space trusses without internal bracing.

The structure had to be recalculated according to the current standards to find possible capacity reserves.


The hyperbolic cooling tower in Hamburg, Germany consists of regular dodecagonal space trusses without internal bracing. Inside, the steel framework is covered with cladding made of fiber concrete corrugated plates.

At the top of the tower, a surrounding gallery is used as a stiffening ring. Beams at distances of about 6.5 ft are designed as parabolic girders to stiffen the structure.

Structural Analysis

Prof. Dr.‑Ing. H. Kramer, Dipl.‑Ing. F. Albrecht and Dipl.‑Ing. (TU) Leif Lorenzen from the engineering office of KramerAlbrecht, a customer of Dlubal Software, were responsible for the inventory review and expert report on the state of construction of the east and west cooling towers.

They evaluated and documented the condition of all structural elements and their connections, as well as the current condition of the anticorrosive coating. The level of necessary renovation was determined on the basis of the information acquired.

Structural Engineering KramerAlbrecht Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG, Hamburg, Germany
Analysis: Dipl -Ing (TU) Leif Lorenzen
Investor Shell Deutschland Oil GmbH, Hamburg, Germany

Project Specifications

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